Monday, October 12, 2009

Method 3

Method 3

Cloud Computing is a wonderful way to keep and store massive amounts of informaiton without maintaining your own server since you are using the facilities of another. It also enables users to connect with many others. For libraries there are many implications - both good and bad. Cloud computing saves school districts money since they don't have to purchase and maintain their own servers. However, it could also mean that the school district and/or library has less control over the information shared with that server. Another concern is the ability for others outside the district making contact with students. This can pose a safety concern for the school system.

Methods 1 & 2

Methods 1 & 2

Web and Library 2.0 is the next generation of electronic technology and how it affects why, where, and how we search for information. Web 2.0 is the catalyst for current trends in libraries and how they provide information to users. I think all kinds of libraries - especially school libraries - need to embrace Web 2.0 and the changes it has and continues to create in order meet the needs and demands of today's users. If libraries fail to meet the challenge, they will become at best museums and at worst completely obsolete.

For my school library, Web 2.0 and Library 2.0 means that I must ensure that the library meets to needs to it's users - the students and faculty. It also means that I must provide a great deal of background to those that are responsible for the library's funding. It is difficult, if not impossible, to embrace Web 2.0 and Library 2.0 without the means to create the ends.

Test Post

This is my test post

Method 5

Method 5

I like online photo sharing. It truly simplifies sharing photos with friends and family. It also saves the picture taker money since users can simply print the photos they like from your uploads on their own - no printing costs, no postage costs, no damaged photos when they arrive. I have had an account on photobucket for some time. I initially started the account in order to have a persistent link to images that I used on Web sites I created. While I think these types of sites are revolutionary and make working with your photos easy, using them in a school setting is much more difficult. Every school district I have worked in and those that my friends work in have sites such as these blocked. Even if the site isn't blocked for the teachers and other employees of the district, they are blocked for student use. While I disagree with this practice to the extent at which it occurs, I can understand why school districts tend to be overprotective with what students are allowed to access.

Method 4

Method 4

These links appealed to me because they provide me with updated information -whether they are professionally relevant or enable me to stay current with the news. Google reader seems to be very user friendly, and since I already have a gmail account through my school district, I forsee that this reader will be the most efficient for me. I also have Yahoo account, so I do want to check out their reader to determine if it suits me better.